Aug 12, 2021Altostratus
Split brain forwarder query
Given a split brain zone xyz.com.
I want to be able to specify which forwarder is used to fully resolve the ip with no referrals.
awssftp.xyz.com internally goes to a cname awsftp.int.xyz.com which via wide ip will give a appropriate 10.x.x.x
awssftp.xyz.com externally goes to a cname awsftp.ext.xyz.com which maps to multiple aws dns entrys resolved via google dns ( is 3.x.x.x
Like is there a way if I create two dns listeners say x.x.x.1 and x.x.x.2 the forwarder for .1 if needed goes to 10.x.x.10 or if .2 if needed is