SP Initiated SAML Authentication stops at Webtop page
I'm trying to set up a new SAML connection with an external 3rd Party. I have one similar SAML connection set up and functioning with a different 3rd Party, but I can't see the difference between the two.
I visit the URL of the external website, the browser is redirected to the F5's ssoportal, but it stops at the Webtop page, rather than redirecting the browser back to the website. When I view the logs, I can see that the F5 initiates a session for the user on the /Common/SSO-Portal.vs Virtual Server, processes the SSOPortal.profile Access Profile, assigns all the SAML Resources (including the one I'm trying to use), but seems to stop there.
If I compare it to the logs from the workign SAML connection, I can see the next step is "Client initiated SSO config received in metadata."
I'm very new to SAML, so not sure where to start troubleshooting.