Forum Discussion

wng_98840's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 22, 2012

Source IP address

I have an external F5 VS that goes between 2 MS UAG servers. Within the UAG logs the source IP is the IP of the F5. Is there a way for the UAGs to log the source IP (true client IP)? I tried the x_forwarded stuff from the link below and it still did not work.






  • Ryan_Korock_46's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Bill... the x_forward header works best with IIS, and although you may get it to work with SSTP, I doubt you'll be able to get it to work with the other Access & VPN protocols within Direct Access or UAG.



    Your best bet is to deploy the BIG-IP without using SNAT to obscure the true client source IP.