Jun 15, 2012Nimbostratus
SNI iRule problem
hello guys,
i'm using this iRule to make multiple SSL on a single VIP
it works without problem on supported browser, and I know that under XP+any IE version should I get the default SSL certificate. But in my case, when connect from IE8+XP i got session dropped and on LTM logs this error:
TCL error: SNI_Rule - can't read "tls_extenlen": no such variable while executing "for { set x 0 } { $x < $tls_extenlen } { incr x 4 } { set start [expr {$x}]
If I've understood the rule, my browser should not send any type of information in the TLS_session..
i'm currently running 10.2.4 HF3
hope someone can help me