Forum Discussion

prashanth_86276's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 01, 2012

SIP Message Based Load Balancing



I am finding it difficult to make SIP MBLB work on BIG-IP 11.2.0 Virtual Edition.


Client side is SIP TCP with large number of connections...Server side want to have a pool (instead of 1:1)


Followed the instructions in


Got 2 pool members & min-conn set to 4. However F5 is making 1-1 connection instead of creating/re-using pool of connections.(in this case it should ideally be 2/pool member)






Is this a standard configuration supported for SIP profile or is an iRule required to achieve this




  • Do you mind sharing the mblb profile that you are using? As long as it is applied to the VIP it should work based off those instructions.
  • Pls find the mblb profile & VIP details





    ltm profile mblb /Common/snpmblb {


    defaults-from /Common/mblb


    ingress-high 10000


    ingress-low 9000


    isolate-abort enabled


    isolate-client disabled


    isolate-expire enabled


    isolate-server enabled


    min-conn 4


    tag-ttl 60









    ltm virtual /Common/snpsip {


    destination /Common/


    ip-protocol tcp




    pool /Common/snpsip


    profiles {


    /Common/sip { }


    /Common/snpmblb { }


    /Common/tcp { }




    snat automap


    translate-address enabled


    translate-port enabled









    ltm pool /Common/snpsip {


    members {


    /Common/ {






    /Common/ {









    monitor /Common/gateway_icmp





    ltm profile mblb /Common/mblb {


    defaults-from none


    ingress-high 50


    ingress-low 5


    isolate-abort enabled


    isolate-client disabled


    isolate-expire enabled


    isolate-server enabled


    min-conn 4


    tag-ttl 60











  • Hi

    Has anyone else faced similar issue?


    What irule is required to make this work...just the configuration doesn't seem to suffice