Jul 10, 2012Nimbostratus
Single F5 with 2 network segments??
Apologies if this is not the correct place to post this question:
We may be replacing some old load balancers, but if we need 2 it’s not likely we’ll be going for F5’s due to budgets.
We have a firewall with a DMZ and inside segments. Traffic is load balanced coming in from the internet to webservers in the DMZ, traffic is also load balanced between the DMZ webservers and app servers in the inside network. Now the traffic for this is minimal as it’s only a test environment.
Can I do this with one F5 load balancer? In a way I want to split a 5F logically in two. Would I be able to use say 2 interface for our DMZ segment (internet facing and DMZ LAN facing) and another 2 for Inside segment (internet facing and Inside LAN segment?) am I making any sense?
Any comments greatly appreciated.