Forum Discussion

Aklan10n's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 26, 2020

Simple Reverse Proxy with iRules

Hello! I simply want to create a reverse proxy for I created a Virtual Server , enabled the http-profile, the stream Profile, configu...
  • P_Kueppers's avatar
    May 27, 2020

    Hi, I know u said u want to make this using iRule -  but I recommend you do it with policies. L7 policies use much less CPU than iRules and are easier to administer. 


    You create a virtual server and add a tcp and http profile - no other profiles needed. than you create a new pool with the node you need. than you create a new policy and in there, create a new rule with the conditions:


    "http host is any of at request



    Replace http host with value "" at request

    Forward traffic to pool "your pool" at request




    Your failure with the iRule is the "http::redirect" . this sends a response to the client with the redirect to the new DNS name. this is wrong. If u want to do this with iRule:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {

    if { [HTTP::host] eq ""} {

    HTTP::header replace "" ""

          pool /Common/yourpoolname




    (not tested)