Forum Discussion

Karbonn_104027's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 04, 2012

SFTP Redirect over Internet



I am stuck with a weird issue with SFTP redirect from one DC to another one.


He is the scenario :


1. I have SFTP (port22) application hosted in DC-1 on LTM ver 9. This Sever is accessed by thousands of users across the globe who have this IP hardcoded on their firewall.


2. We are moving this Server to another Datacenter (DC-2) where the public IP is gonna change.


What I am trying to acheive here is create a pool in DC-1 calling the LTM IP (public IP) of DC-2 so that the end users will continue to access the old IPs. I tried this and never fo this working. The pool shows active and I am able to telnet on port 22 from DC-1 LB to DC-2


Anything I am missing or this design is not supported today?











  • Hi



    I think i am reading this correctly, you tryin to put a VIP as a pool member?



    A local virtual server cannot be used as a pool member