Forum Discussion

gscholz's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 17, 2018

Setting up ASM policy to protect Outlook Web Access (OWA)

I have used the iApp to create a the setup for some Exchange 2016 backend servers. Users from outside are supposed to use Outlook Web App (OWA), and I thought it should be possible to protect the virtual server using ASM and only allowing access to specific URLs.


However, if I want to create a new policy in Security -> Application Security -> Security Policies -> Create... I am not able to select the virtual server. The information text next to the input field states: "Select an Existing Virtual Server if you already configured one (An existing Virtual Server is displayed only if it has an HTTP Profile assigned to it and it is not using any Local Traffic Policy controlling ASM)..."


The iApp created a virtual server and assigned an HTTP profile to it. I verified that the parent profile is "http". So which important bit might I be missing?


I have seen there is a specific template for just OWA and ASM (, but is it possible to combine the two somehow?


5 Replies

  • I have done some further testing. I am using the Partner Vlab setup in its most basic form. I have manually created a virtual server for HTTPs, and I have assigned the profile to it that was created from the iApp:


    ltm virtual /Common/https_virtual {
        destination /Common/
        ip-protocol tcp
        pool /Common/https_pool
        profiles {
            /Common/ { }
            /Common/clientssl {
                context clientside
            /Common/serverssl {
                context serverside
            /Common/tcp { }
        translate-address enabled
        translate-port enabled
    ltm profile http /Common/ {
        app-service /Common/
        defaults-from /Common/http
        insert-xforwarded-for enabled
        redirect-rewrite all


    For comparison, this is what the virtual server looks like that was created from the iApp:


    ltm virtual /Common/ {
        app-service /Common/
        destination /Common/
        ip-protocol tcp
        profiles {
            /Common/ { }
            /Common/ {
                context clientside
            /Common/ { }
            /Common/ {
                context serverside
            /Common/ { }
            /Common/ {
                context serverside
            /Common/ { }
            /Common/ {
                context clientside
            /Common/ntlm { }
        rules {
        source-address-translation {
            type automap
        translate-address enabled
        translate-port enabled


    When I want to create a new application security policy https_virtual shows up in the dropdown menu of eligible virtual servers, but App-Exchange-2016_combined_https does not. Would anybody know the reason?

  • Does the application service have Strict Updates enabled? This setting can be found on the application service Properties tab. It is usually enabled by default in the templates and prevents the objects created by the template from being modified directly. I'm wondering if it is preventing ASM from seeing the VS. Disable it and test.




  • I disabled the option, and indeed I could see the virtual server now, thank you very much!


    Is there a way to mark your comment as the right answer?


  • Does the application service have Strict Updates enabled? This setting can be found on the application service Properties tab. It is usually enabled by default in the templates and prevents the objects created by the template from being modified directly. I'm wondering if it is preventing ASM from seeing the VS. Disable it and test.

