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F5-Hopeful's avatar
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Oct 10, 2019

Session table with Virtual Command

Is anyone able to tell me if you can store data in the session table using an iRule on one VS then recover it on a second VS, if the second VS is called via the virtual command in an iRule on the first VS. I can recover data from the session table added by a separate VS but not the data added by the first VS, the one that calls the second VS.

  • I can't work out why it doesn't work, all the documentation says it should work. I can look up the value in another event in the first iRule but when I try to look it up it in the second iRule its not there, its as if the first iRule stores it in a local session table and not in the global session table. I have tried using the session command, the table command and the subtable command and increasing the timeout but still no luck. I can also put the lookup in the first iRule before I actually add the value, then run the iRule again and the value is there from the previous hit. The key I am using is client IP but I have logging on to ensure that both iRules see the traffic coming from the same IP address and therefore should both be accessing the same table. It makes no sense, I can't work out why it doesn't work.

  • ah, thanks for clearing that up.


    so how doesn't it work? do other iRule commands on the VS used via virtual work? is it just the lookup that doesnt work? it isn't some timing issue? that you send the traffic earlier then when the table is filled?

  • Hi, thank you for your reply.


    Yes I am talking about the session table, and I am able to add a value in an iRule on one virtual server and retrive that value in another iRule on a different virtual server, but when I call the second virtual server using the virtual command on the first virtual server I am not able to retrieve the value. I am not sure that the virtual command is related but this is the only difference between when it works and when it doesn't. I can not find anything to indicate there should be any issue doing this when using the virtual command.

  • you are talking about the iRule table command right?


    in that case i believe the session table is not connected to a single virtual server in any way, it is a global concept. what you write from one irule (virtual server) can be read by another irule (virtual server).


    not sure how you believe the virtual command is related to it.