Forum Discussion
Session table with Virtual Command
Is anyone able to tell me if you can store data in the session table using an iRule on one VS then recover it on a second VS, if the second VS is called via the virtual command in an iRule on the first VS. I can recover data from the session table added by a separate VS but not the data added by the first VS, the one that calls the second VS.
you are talking about the iRule table command right?
in that case i believe the session table is not connected to a single virtual server in any way, it is a global concept. what you write from one irule (virtual server) can be read by another irule (virtual server).
not sure how you believe the virtual command is related to it.
- F5-Hopeful
Hi, thank you for your reply.
Yes I am talking about the session table, and I am able to add a value in an iRule on one virtual server and retrive that value in another iRule on a different virtual server, but when I call the second virtual server using the virtual command on the first virtual server I am not able to retrieve the value. I am not sure that the virtual command is related but this is the only difference between when it works and when it doesn't. I can not find anything to indicate there should be any issue doing this when using the virtual command.
ah, thanks for clearing that up.
so how doesn't it work? do other iRule commands on the VS used via virtual work? is it just the lookup that doesnt work? it isn't some timing issue? that you send the traffic earlier then when the table is filled?
- F5-Hopeful
I can't work out why it doesn't work, all the documentation says it should work. I can look up the value in another event in the first iRule but when I try to look it up it in the second iRule its not there, its as if the first iRule stores it in a local session table and not in the global session table. I have tried using the session command, the table command and the subtable command and increasing the timeout but still no luck. I can also put the lookup in the first iRule before I actually add the value, then run the iRule again and the value is there from the previous hit. The key I am using is client IP but I have logging on to ensure that both iRules see the traffic coming from the same IP address and therefore should both be accessing the same table. It makes no sense, I can't work out why it doesn't work.
ok, did a quick test, tmos
vs1 with this irule
when HTTP_REQUEST { set srcip [IP::remote_addr] table add -subtable "blacklist" $srcip "blocked" 360 360 log -noname "send to virtual vs-test-02" virtual /Common/vs-test-brt-02 }
then vs-test-02 with this irule
when HTTP_REQUEST { set srcip [IP::remote_addr] set result [table lookup -subtable "blacklist" $srcip] log -noname "result is $result" }
and this works for me
Oct 14 09:44:59 bigip1 info tmm[21812]: send to virtual vs-test-02 Oct 14 09:44:59 bigip1 info tmm[21812]: result is blocked
is your situation (very) different then this?
- F5-Hopeful
Hi, thank you for your code above, the only difference is that I am not using HTTP, the flow I have is for FTPS so I am adding the info to the table in CLIENT_ACCEPTED in the first iRule then retrieving it in CLIENT_ACCEPTED in the second iRule, and I don't call the second VIP in client accepted, it is in CLIENT_DATA. I have also tried to add the data to the table in CLIENT_ACCEPTED but this did not work either. I pasted your config into my both iRules under CLIENT_DATA of both iRules, I also put the logging into both iRules and as you can see from the output below I am able to get the data from within the iRule that put it in the table but not from the second iRule.
iRule 1
Oct 14 21:47:25 ip-10-0-0-200 info tmm[9777]: send to virtual vs-test-02
Oct 14 21:47:25 ip-10-0-0-200 info tmm[9777]: result is blocked
iRule 2
Oct 14 21:47:25 ip-10-0-0-200 info tmm[9777]: result is
I am using AWS F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition instances, I don't know if this is what is causing the issue as everything I have read says it should work, and as you displayed above it is clearly working for you.
not meant unkind but it helps if you explain the full situation at the start. things like the iRule events can matter in cases like this. the environment (AWS in your case) might also be related, i don't expect it, but it is good to know in general.
so i moved my previous setup to one closer to yours, please let me know the difference if there are any left.
iRule on VS1
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set srcip [IP::remote_addr] log -noname "CLIENT_ACCEPTED put $srcip with value blocked in blacklist subtable" table add -subtable "blacklist" $srcip "blocked" 360 360 log -noname "CLIENT_ACCEPTED collect 15 bytes of data" TCP::collect 15 } when CLIENT_DATA { log -noname "CLIENT_DATA found client data" log -noname "CLIENT_DATA send to virtual vs-test-02" virtual /Common/vs-test-02 }
iRule on vs-test-02
when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set srcip [IP::remote_addr] set result [table lookup -subtable "blacklist" $srcip] log -noname "CLIENT_ACCEPTED result for $srcip is $result." }
and this works
Oct 15 09:34:19 bigip-01 info tmm[21812]: CLIENT_ACCEPTED put with value blocked in blacklist subtable Oct 15 09:34:19 bigip-01 info tmm[21812]: CLIENT_ACCEPTED collect 15 bytes of data Oct 15 09:34:19 bigip-01 info tmm[21812]: CLIENT_DATA found client data Oct 15 09:34:19 bigip-01 info tmm[21812]: CLIENT_DATA send to virtual vs-test-02 Oct 15 09:34:19 bigip-01 info tmm[21812]: CLIENT_ACCEPTED result for is blocked.
i did some tests with the TCP::collect with bigger numbers of minimum bytes and i had once it didn't work, the lookup failed. but im unable to reproduce that. the collect which triggers a new event makes me a little worried, but then again, if you use the virtual in that _DATA event it shouldn't matter, but still is that choice required there?
im very interested in how your iRule looks (if possible to share more after cleanup of any internal only details) to see if a cause can be found there. but so far this works.
oh and if you haven't raise a ticket with F5 support, this is getting to the point where it indeed might be an internal things.
- F5-Hopeful
Hi, apologies for not giving enough information relating to this, and thank you for your help.
I tried your solution above but had to remove the 15 from TCP::collect as it would not work with that, I tried some larger numbers but that didn't work either. I am unable to put the config on now as I have to get it cleaned and approved before putting it up. I should hopefully be able to add it tomorrow. The value I am trying to add will actually be added under the CLIENTSSL_CLIENTCERT event but as this would not work I had moved it to CLIENT_ACCEPTED just to eliminate any race conditions that may have been occurring.
The main aim of what I'm trying to do is to get a value I pull from a certificate in iRule one into the session table so I can retrieve it in iRule 2. I have tried numerous times to raise a ticket with F5 but I have not had any reply and no pending tickets show tracked tickets.
The output is below from F5
iRule 1
Oct 15 20:04:28 ip-10-0-0-200 info tmm[9787]: CLIENT_ACCEPTED put with value blocked in blacklist subtable
Oct 15 20:04:28 ip-10-0-0-200 info tmm[9787]: CLIENT_ACCEPTED collect 15 bytes of data
Oct 15 20:04:28 ip-10-0-0-200 info tmm[9787]: CLIENT_DATA found client data
Oct 15 20:04:28 ip-10-0-0-200 info tmm[9787]: CLIENT_DATA send to virtual vs-test-02
Oct 15 20:04:28 ip-10-0-0-200 info tmm[9787]: send to virtual vs-test-02
Oct 15 20:04:28 ip-10-0-0-200 info tmm[9787]: result is blocked
iRule 2
Oct 15 20:04:28 ip-10-0-0-200 info tmm[9787]: CLIENT_ACCEPTED result for is .
ill wait for the complete irule to perhaps see something there, it find it weird it doesn't work for you with TCP::collect, that would suggest very small payloads are send.
for fun you could add a delay before sending to the next virtual. all this feels like some race condition.
you say you tried to raise tickets with F5 support, how did you do that? are you working with a bring your own license in AWS? or with F5 from the marketplace?
you can try calling them to make sure the ticket gets created.
- F5-Hopeful
The AWS image is F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition - GOOD (PAYG, 200Mbps). I logged a ticket on the F5 Support page, raise a service request. I will put the cleaned config up tomorrow
- F5-Hopeful
You're right, small data pckts because of ftp-control.
Below is the first iRule calling the second. And then the log. I'd be very interested to see what you think might be happening.
The log lookup of both the STRING value and the $var value on the second virtual server does not work, despite occurring later in time than when they are put in the tables. It seems like they are saved to different tables, or that, the table is somehow reset before the lookup. The IP::client_addr is the same on both virtual servers, so the key is consistent - at least, that's what the log says. When the key is set as a string, it doesn't work either.
iRule 1 when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { log local0.debug "client accepted VS1" log local0.debug "New TCP connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" SSL::disable TCP::respond "220 My ftp server\r\n" TCP::collect 10 } when CLIENT_DATA { log local0.debug "client data VS1" log local0.debug "[TCP::payload] is the payload VS1" log local0.debug "New TCP connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" TCP::respond "234 AUTH TLS Successful\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "" log local0.debug "[TCP::payload] is the payload (should be empty) VS1" log -noname "CLIENT_DATA found client data" log -noname "CLIENT_DATA send to virtual vs-test-02" virtual /Common/VIP2 SSL::enable TCP::release log local0.debug "TCP Release Completed VS1" } when SERVER_CONNECTED { log local0.debug "This is server connected event VS1" log local0.debug "New TCP connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" TCP::collect } when SERVER_DATA { log local0.debug "this is server data event VS1" log local0.debug "[TCP::payload] payload from server VS1" log local0.debug "New TCP connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" if { [TCP::payload] contains "220 " } { TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "" log local0.debug "[TCP::payload] (empty) payload line (server data event line 27) on VS1" } TCP::release TCP::collect } when CLIENTSSL_CLIENTHELLO { log local0. "This is clientssl_clienthello - VS1" } when CLIENTSSL_CLIENTCERT { log local0. "This is clientssl_clientcert - VS1" set sidc [SSL::sessionid] log local0. "CLIENTSSL session ID is $sidc" set myCount [SSL::cert count] log local0. "Count of certificates is $myCount" set client_cert [SSL::cert 0] <<EXTRACT CERT VALUE in $var local variable>> log local0. "this is VAR value $var" set srcip [IP::client_addr] table add -subtable "blacklist" $srcip "$var" 5 5 log -noname "send to virtual vs-test-02" set result [table lookup -subtable "blacklist" $srcip] log -noname "result is $result" } when CLIENTSSL_HANDSHAKE { log local0. "This is clientssl_handshake - VS1" } when CLIENT_CLOSED { log local0.debug "Closed TCP connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" }
iRule 2 when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { log local0.debug "client accepted VS2" log local0.debug "New TCP connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" TCP::release TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { log local0.debug "[TCP::payload] VS2 client data event" log local0. "This is client data" log local0.debug [TCP::payload] log local0.debug "This is line 29" TCP::release TCP::collect } when SERVER_CONNECTED { log local0.debug "VS2 server connected event - on inner F5 this is connection to FTP server" log local0.debug "New TCP connection from [IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] to [IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port]" TCP::collect } when SERVER_DATA { log local0.debug "[TCP::payload] server data event VS2" TCP::release TCP::collect } when SERVERSSL_CLIENTHELLO_SEND { log local0. "This is SERVERSSL_CLIENTHELLO_SEND - VS2" TCP::collect TCP::release } when SERVERSSL_SERVERCERT { log local0. "This is SERVERSSL_SERVERCERT - VS2" set srcip [IP::client_addr] set result [table lookup -subtable "blacklist" $srcip] log -noname "SERVERSSL_SERVERCERT result for $srcip is $result." TCP::respond "VAR_$result\r\n" } when SERVERSSL_SERVERHELLO { log local0. "This is SERVERSSL_SERVERHELLO - VS2" } when SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE { log local0. "This is SERVERSSL_HANDSHAKE - VS2" } when SERVERSSL_DATA { log local0. "This is SERVERSSL_DATA - VS2" }
wow, that is quite something, while i find it weird your ticket(s) with F5 aren't picked up im also a bit worried if they will work on this, as there is a lot of stuff going on.
i would like to built some of it myself but im still a bit confused about what you are doing. is the first VS a plain FTP front to an actual FTPS server?
or is that a way to check client certificates?
but why do you want to do a IP black list check on the second VS, or is this a cleaned up version and normally you do something else?
perhaps you can explain the functional requirement here and there is a better way to solve that.
and looking at your iRule you know more about this then i do, still im a bit woried about all those TCP::collect and TCP::release. are all those needed?
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