Forum Discussion

Peter_Junos_132's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 26, 2013

Selecting pool in iRule fails


do you have any idea, why selecting pool in iRule fails after last update of licence?

Previous status: I had some iRules to select correct pool and it worked.

Status now: when there is mentioned pool in any iRule, "Connection reset by peer" is always returned.

For now, I temporarily use pool www_pool to serve all requests and they are served. However, when I add one simple iRule:

  pool www_pool

then, request are no longer served and F5 resets the connection. Real server does not get anything on its target port (or it cannot be seen by tcpdump).

Thanks for any suggestions.

  • what version are you running? if it is 10.2.3 or later, can you try to log reset cause?


    sol13223: Configuring the BIG-IP system to log TCP RST packets



  • what version are you running? if it is 10.2.3 or later, can you try to log reset cause?


    sol13223: Configuring the BIG-IP system to log TCP RST packets



  • Also, do you see any errors in /var/log/ltm about the specific connection or the license validation?




  • is the problem intermittent or always? is it reproducible?

    if it is always and reproducible, can you post the virtual server, pool and irule configuration?

     tmsh list ltm virtual (virtual server name)
     tmsh list ltm pool (pool name)
     tmsh list ltm rule (irule name)
    • jijys_138810's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      We are facing a similar situation. Please can I know how this issue is resolved?
  • is the problem intermittent or always? is it reproducible?

    if it is always and reproducible, can you post the virtual server, pool and irule configuration?

     tmsh list ltm virtual (virtual server name)
     tmsh list ltm pool (pool name)
     tmsh list ltm rule (irule name)
    • jijys_138810's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      We are facing a similar situation. Please can I know how this issue is resolved?