Forum Discussion

suthomas1's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Apr 01, 2021

Secondary persist method

Goodday all,

when & how does secondary or backup persistence method gets applied. Is it only when primary method fails, if so how does ltm determine to apply seconday method.

thanks in advance.


    When F5 detects the primary persistence is no​t working, fall back would be applied. e.g. cookies are blocked/not supported in client browsers if primary is cookie, SSL session I'd changes frequently and primary persistence method is SSL.


    When F5 detects the primary persistence is no​t working, fall back would be applied. e.g. cookies are blocked/not supported in client browsers if primary is cookie, SSL session I'd changes frequently and primary persistence method is SSL.

    • suthomas1's avatar
      Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus

      Thanks. when the user accesses an application, does the f5 apply persistence information only once for that connection or per request?

      It is quite confusing as the user may access an application page but then continue to use many of other functions within the same page, will it use persistence again in this case.


      Please help, thank you.

      • spalande's avatar
        Icon for Nacreous rankNacreous

        Persistence record is maintained for the session. BIGIP sends request from the same client to the same member throughout the session if persistence is enabled.


        By default, the BIG-IP system performs load balancing once for each TCP connection. When you configure a persistence profile on a BIG-IP virtual server, the BIG-IP system tracks a pointer to the pool member that serviced a client request.


        If you want to apply load balancing and persistenc per "HTTP request" you can enable oneconnect and cookie persistence. I would suggest have a good read on below articles