Forum Discussion

cdougall_14195's avatar
Jan 05, 2012

Scheduled Datagroup modification

We use a lot of data-groups associated with external files for our layer 7 VIPs. Currently, we make changes and update to the external files at night, then manually run a script to update the LTM data groups and sync the config. I'm working on removing most of the off hours work by scheduling the script to run automatically at some time in the very early AM without anyone having to be awake enough to make a mistake. That way, the file updates can happen during the day, and the script runs automatically at night.



I was thinking that adding it as a cron job might be the way to go, but figured I'd run this by the community to see if someone has already done it. I can see a couple of piece of intelligence that I'm going to need to build into the script, ie, only run from the active node in the HA pair, revert to the backup external file on errors, etc, but that's all doable. What I'm looking for is has anyone done this kind of thing before, scheduling a script to run on the LTM at a specific time and any problems/issues that they've run into.



Thanks for the assistance.





  • hoolio's avatar
    Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
    Hi Cameron,



    Where do you get the content for the data group updates? I think it might be easier to run this update from an external host using iControl. With iControl, you could update the active unit by connecting to a floating self IP address. You could upload the new external data group file, load the data and then run a config sync to the peer. The script could be scheduled on the external host.


