REST API help Pool post
Hi all, I having problems adding the following 3 pieces of group configuration, I'm new to REST and my below POST is successful, but every time I try to add the following 3 additional requirements I get errors, how can i dd these correctly!
loadBalancingMode (least conns)
minActiveMembers (1)
priortyGroup (2 for TESTNODE1 and 1 for TESTNODE2)
curl -sk -H "X-F5-Auth-Token:5KUOFXCAENGCZ6XYNF5GKJJS4M" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://10.10.10..10/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool -d '{"partition":"Common","name":"test","members":[{"name":"TESTNODE1:19500","address":""},{"name":"TESTNODE2:19500","address":""}],"monitor":"TEST"}'
error example when I try to add priorityGroup............
{"code":400,"message":"Found invalid JSON body in the request.","errorStack":[],"apiError":1}