Forum Discussion

Fallout1984's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Jun 01, 2022

Replace license key on F5 VE?

I have a virtual F5 used as a lab environment and would like to replace the current license key (up to v13) with one authorized for up to v16. Has anyone done this before? Is it a simple process? I'd like to do it and retain the current configuration (or I could back up and reload it afterward).



  • Hi Fallout1984,

    it is fairly easy. Just go to System >> License and choose Re-activate. Edit and replace the license key, activate the new license. 

    If you want to be precautious, take a snapshot before you start this process.


  • Hi Fallout1984,

    it is fairly easy. Just go to System >> License and choose Re-activate. Edit and replace the license key, activate the new license. 

    If you want to be precautious, take a snapshot before you start this process.
