Forum Discussion
Jan 21, 2016MVP
Hi Steve,
the cookie domain, cookie path, cookie timestamps, secure etc. values are just send in a HTTP responses.
Those values will instruct the browser to which application the cookie would be accessible, to which site/path the cookie could be send and how long it will be cached, etc.
In a HTTP requests each cookie will basically look similiar - it would just have a name and a value.
To fix your application, you have to identify every valid cookie name. Dump those names and values in a variable, then remove the entire cookie header and restore just the good cookie names and values...
when RULE_INIT {
set static::good_cookies "cookie_name1 cookie_name2 cookie_name3"
foreach cookie_name $static::good_cookies {
append cookie_to_replay "$cookie_name=[HTTP::cookie value $cookie_name]; "
HTTP::header remove "Cookie"
HTTP::header insert "Cookie" [string trim $cookie_to_replay "; "]
unset -nocomplain cookie_to_replay
Cheers, Kai