Forum Discussion

  • Hi Edgar,

    Here's an example you can use:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
    if {[string tolower [HTTP::host]] ne ""} {
    HTTP::redirect "http:://[HTTP::uri]"

  • Thanks hoolio!



    Is that the correct word: 'ne'? What does it mean?



    Thanks again. I will be able to try this code a little later today and let you know if it works as expected.
  • Hi Edgar,



    The "ne" is "not equal". You can also use an "!".



    It can be expressed several different ways:


    if {[string tolower [HTTP::host]] ne ""} {




    if {!([string tolower [HTTP::host]] ne "")} {




    if {[string tolower [HTTP::host]] != ""} {



    Hope this helps.
  • Actually, I overlooked the fact that we connect to internally. Can I add an exception to the iRule so requests to go through?



    Thank you for your time.