Forum Discussion

VFB's avatar
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Jul 06, 2018

re-encrypt with different cipher on server-ssl profile?

Is it possible to set a client ssl profile to cipher with diffie-helman and re-encrypt on the server ssl side to RSA? I presume this would be taxing on the device, but I need to understand the ins and outs of it.


  • Yes, it's supported. The LTM decrypts and re-encrypts traffic anyway so there is no huge difference in doing this. If you only have RSA in the suites accepted by your back-end server then the LTM will do it automatically. If not, create a server SSL profile with custom ciphers.


  • Yes, You can make it. Only thing you need to create two profile(client-SSL and Server-SSL) to solve issue. Allow the cipher as per requirement and test it in non-prod device.


    Hope it will work for you.