Forum Discussion

Radboud_Veld's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Aug 29, 2024

R2600: how to deal with vlans in tenant's partition's

Hey all,


I'm in the process of replacing an old 4200 with a new R-series 2600 for a customer.

The current config in the 4200 consists of several partitions, and in the to be deployed tenant we want to keep using partitions.

When deploying a tenant in the R2600, I can select which vlans I want to "pass on" towards the tenant.
They will then automatically show up in the /Common of the tenant. So far it all works nice.

However, I need some of these vlans to end up in a specific partition.

So how do I go about that?

I can manually create these vlans under the desired partition, but I don't think it's possible if they already exist in /Common.
So, catch-22?

I won't return to clients site for a while, and currently don't have acces to a home lab or something of the like.
So I was hoping to get some clarity on this, to better prepare myself.


6 Replies

    • Radboud_Veld's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Thanks for your answer.
      I have occasionally administered vCMP's but not with partitions on the guest.

      Anyway, shouldn't these vlans (under partitions in the tenants) also "exist" on the appliance when deploying a tenant?
      How else will they connect to the outside world.

      I'm probably missing something here... I'll give your advice a go when I'm back on-site. 

      • Nikoolayy1's avatar
        Icon for MVP rankMVP

        Yes you have to create and assign them to the tenant from the appliance, this is why you will see them in Partition Common when you access the tenant as they will be autopopulated.