Forum Discussion

Sonicboom's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 24, 2020

Question concerning log

Hello everybody,


I have a question concerning the process syslog-ng.

I saw on log following information:


Fri Jan 24 03:50:02 CET 2020 notice F5-Material syslog-ng[3708] Configuration reload request received, reloading configuration;

Fri Jan 24 06:35:28 CET 2020 F5-Material syslog-ng **********************************************


I understand that the first log concern a daily rotation of the log but what is the second log with *** ?

Tuere is a lot of occurence during this time on every F5.


Thank you for your help.


Best regards.

  • Hi Sonicboom,


    I had never seen that before so I did some searching and it looks like that may be a cosmetic bug. Since it is cosmetic it should be fine to ignore it but there appears to be a workaround as well. I was able to find a bugtracker link with more info as well.


    Bug ID 849085: Lines with only asterisks filling message and user.log file


    -Nathan F