Forum Discussion
PTR record not resolved
hi expert
i have a issue on gtm
ptr record not resolved
i used gtm nslookup and ptr work properly but when i tried on client nslookup got timeout
i dump using client ip and no respons on gtm
anyone have the same issue
What do you mean by client lookup? please share the full details.
- Anzine321
on my pc >> ip listener f5
nslookup ip address and i got timeout but on gtm i got result record
It seems connectiviy is not there. Are you able to GTM listner from your PC?
Try this to verify the conenctiviy.
nslookup GTMlistnet i.e nslookup
Here is GTM listner IP address. If this works then setup is good else check the GTM setup.
- Anzine321
i used dump and found that the client send query to listener but gtm didnt send respond to client
the prt record work properly before upgrade from 14 to 17, maybe i have something issue and i opencase to support
- T-Trust
Hi Herdi,
Please provide more information,
1. As you told me about gtm nslookup and ptr work properyly that you mean you have another DNS server support this PRT record ?
2. If you have another DNS Server, You using GTM transfer this record from DNS Server ?
3. You using zone runner or not ?
4. You using DNSexpress or not ?
- Anzine321
1. Before upgrade os, ptr record work properly, no change config on gtm, only dns zone runner with reverse record, i checked on gtm ptr /arpa and record still exist. I tried nslookup on gtm and ptr record resolved. But failed on client to listener
4. No, only zone runner
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