Forum Discussion

Jharper_43334's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 20, 2012

ProxyPass not redirecting some URIs



I'm using ProxyPass to redirect a SharePoint 2007 site "teams/it" to "teams2010/it". It is redirecting some links, but not all of them. It seems to be related to this log entry "Rewriting response content enabled, but disabled on this response." I've run out of ideas. Any help would be much appreciated!



Similar Issue -



ProxyPass Configuration:



ProxyPass Version 8.2 / LTM 9.4.3



String: DataProxyPassVS_Test


teams/it teams2010/it SP2010_Pool SP2010_Pool




LTM Logs:


Rule ProxyPass HTTP_REQUEST: VS_Test, Host=teams, URI=/_Layouts/1033/Styles/dir/corp/images/logo.gif: Looking for entries matching teams/_Layouts/1033/Styles/dir/corp/images/logo.gif



Wed Jun 20 16:44:38 CDT 2012 tmm tmm[1657] Rule ProxyPass HTTP_REQUEST: VS_Test, Host=teams, URI=/_Layouts/1033/Styles/dir/corp/images/logo.gif: Looking for entries matching /_Layouts/1033/Styles/dir/corp/images/logo.gif



Wed Jun 20 16:44:38 CDT 2012 tmm tmm[1657] Rule ProxyPass HTTP_REQUEST: VS_Test, Host=teams, URI=/_Layouts/1033/Styles/dir/corp/images/logo.gif: No rule found



Wed Jun 20 16:44:38 CDT 2012 tmm tmm[1657] Rule ProxyPass HTTP_RESPONSE: VS_Test, Host=teams, URI=/_Layouts/1033/Styles/dir/corp/images/logo.gif: Rewriting response content enabled, but disabled on this response.


  • Hi Jharper,



    For Sharepoint, it's generally simpler and more efficient to use Alternate Access Mappings to create public mappings of internal hostnames/URIs. If that's not an option, then you could use ProxyPass.



    ProxyPass won't attempt to rewrite response content for images payloads--they're binary so there isn't anything to rewrite. Also, that logo.gif file doesn't match any of your config data group entries as the URI doesn't start with /it.



    Is there an example of an HTML page whose content isn't being rewritten? If so, can you post the /var/log/ltm log snippet for that?



  • Thanks for the response. My challenge is redirecting a 2007 subsite to a new 2010 farm for migration purposes. I've updated a couple of URIs to the Data Group and have almost everything working except for the Ribbon and the Site Action Dropdown. It appears that it is not initializing properly. I haven't fonud any errors related to this in the F5 logs.



    Browser Error: Message: '_ribbonOnStartInit' is undefined


    Line: 334


    Char: 9


    Code: 0


    URI: http://teams/it/default.aspx



    Updates Data Group:



    teams/it SP2010_Pool


    teams/_layouts/ teams2010/IT/_layouts/ SP2010_Pool


    teams/_Layouts/ teams2010/IT/_Layouts/ SP2010_Pool




    EDIT: I can't seem to attach a file to this thread it's 51KB and it just hangs when I click upload.



  • The only remaining issues (using ProxyPass) are the Ribbon not loading and the following errors that appear to be related to compression. I don't see any errors in the LTM log. What's the best way to disable compression? Should I add another iRule for this or disable it in IIS? This configuration is being used only for mogration so it is temporary.



    Webpage error details



    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; GTB7.3; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; InfoPath.3; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; MS-RTC EA 2; MS-RTC LM 8)


    Timestamp: Fri, 6 Jul 2012 14:17:20 UTC




    Message: Syntax error


    Line: 1


    Char: 1


    Code: 0


    URI: http://teams/ScriptResource.axd?d=YXvZeBGWA1nuIXmJsrCvZBCufk8gl9YgaZRHRqvqzxGehRQtKnGPr6PMLA2XwCh3g1F9cDpzzU8Rp6Excy-iBbR06B6FCpgsqDkoeMDAQKGDgCdSVaU46z7tzb3O3wGreLr7wtlxpp80pjNDcXJPeqkBbyQ1&t=fffffffff9d85fa6




    Message: Syntax error


    Line: 1


    Char: 1


    Code: 0


    URI: http://teams/ScriptResource.axd?d=6DwPfZd6bPyQpXQVseW0l7RJGSNH7P63A4EiFDUf3zU1xnqsJdytR8x1NPeY3SSijsgQTz7wuXe5yrgx9p0VQBHipUn8nGEfBHhDxhHN8LUyE5EtXgNbzN70goJ-A-Q4nIN9qE6M-5zk9g2v8uykNG5LKHinw0Sq4lWk2KRLaVs682030&t=fffffffff9d85fa6




    Message: Syntax error


    Line: 1


    Char: 1


    Code: 0


    URI: http://teams/WebResource.axd?d=CdZHLfPP1j0PxpgmyOikO4QUCiRr7dy0lcp_2yLMNsJNOih4N0GQXLzrnfS1Enc2SNS5QsEcnheP0JfMTGUMxLsSHDc1&t=634244938260000000




    Message: 'Sys' is undefined


    Line: 181


    Char: 1


    Code: 0


    URI: http://teams/it/default.aspx




    Message: 'WebForm_SaveScrollPositionSubmit' is undefined


    Line: 1040


    Char: 1


    Code: 0


    URI: http://teams/it/default.aspx




    Message: 'Type' is undefined


    Line: 2


    Char: 1


    Code: 0


    URI: http://teams/_layouts/sp.core.js?rev=7ByNlH%2BvcgRJg%2BRCctdC0w%3D%3D




    Message: Object doesn't support this property or method


    Line: 2


    Char: 132


    Code: 0


    URI: http://teams/_layouts/cui.js?rev=k%2B4HtUzT9%2B3mSycgD7gPaQ%3D%3D
  • This is working now. There are no more errors on the page



    1. I changed this back to set ::RewriteResponsePayload 0


    2. I set the stream profile to none.



    This is now successfully redirecting specific SharePoint 2007 subsites to SharePoint 2010.



    Final Data Group:



    teams/it SP2010_Pool


    teams/_layouts/ teams2010/IT/_layouts/ SP2010_Pool


    teams/_Layouts/ teams2010/IT/_Layouts/ SP2010_Pool