Forum Discussion

nickLa248's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jun 06, 2023

Provide Content of different Webapps with one Virtual Server

I am pretty new to the F5 world and have been asked to setup a F5 BIG-IP serve as a reverse Proxy for a number of my companies web applications. The problem is that i should only use one ip, meaning...
  • Paulius's avatar
    Jun 07, 2023

    nickLa248 I believe Mohamed_Ahmed_Kansoh is coming to the same result and your web app would need to add the additional path to the web app URI. As an example, when user goes to "/edge" they receive the edge web app but they still need to go to "/login" to log into the web app so the path if they did not login should be "/edge/login" rather than "/login" otherwise the F5 has no way of knowing that the "/login" request is for "/edge" web app. Now it is possible to have a default pool that handles authentication for each web app and hooks back to the appropriate web app using some sort of reference in a database that every web app communicates with but this seems like it would be fairly complicated. Your best option would the following assuming your web app is capable of doing it.

    1. Have a unique hostname for each web app such as "" and then the URI path doesn't really matter at that point.
    2. Have each web app function off of URI path such as "/edge/" and then each subsequent path would be added onto the URI such as "/edge/login" which would mean each web app has those paths available.

    Beyond this it seems that it would not be feasible to have multiple web apps on one virtual server because you cannot differentiate between the web apps.