Forum Discussion

Fallout1984's avatar
Icon for Cirrocumulus rankCirrocumulus
Dec 10, 2019

Protocol used for VPN user authentication? PAP? CHAP? EAP?

There's a security audit underway over here and a question came up regarding the protocol used for SSL VPN user authentication. We're using Active Directory, and then follow up with DUO two factor. What protocol is being used for authentication...PAP, CHAP, EAP..? I checked the VPN configuration and didn't see anything referenced/specified and my online searching so far has turned up zip. If unknown, is there an easy way to determine what we're using?



  • Hello Alan, not sure I am following here. Network Access is a PPP connection. If you are using AD and DUO (I assume that is Radius) than you are authenticating with Kerberos and Radius,.

  • Hello Alan, not sure I am following here. Network Access is a PPP connection. If you are using AD and DUO (I assume that is Radius) than you are authenticating with Kerberos and Radius,.

  • Thanks, I just got some clarification regarding what's needed in order to satisfy the audit. The original question was asking about PAP and CHAP.


    Thanks for responding, much appreciated! 😊