May 29, 2012Nimbostratus
Promoting Postgres Database member to active with irule.
Hi folks,
I am trying to setup a active standby ha config for two large postgresql database servers with LTM version 10.2.
I have already found some great info here:
On how to do the health monitors, so that part is covered.
My main problem is with the postgres db promotion from master to slave.
I was wondering if there might be a way of writing an irule that when it saw the active node as down it would run a bash script which would ssh into the slave and promote it to master.
Yeah I know it sounds kinda scary but I can't find any better way of doing automated postgres HA.
I am pretty sure there is a way in postgress to query a table to determine if the db is master or slave.
Has anyone had any experience with this type of setup?
Cheers Luke