Forum Discussion

pawel_jakacki_7's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 04, 2012

Problem with IIS monitoring

Hello Guys,



I'm trying to write an IIS monitor. On IIS servers I have aspx script, which returns 0, when server works fine and other value if not. I've created HTTP monitor:


GET /IsAlive.aspx HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: \r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n


The problem is that F5 cannot see all returned content from server, but only header and the main html tags, but I must to check the output specified in the attached file


I've wrote an regexp, also present in the attached file


F5 cannot see above content even if I type "Status" (without question marks) in the Receive String field under the monitor configuration tab. The return page is quite small, Content Length has only 1966 bytes. The strange fact is that F5 can see the [Receive String field] <\/body>\r\n<\/html> tag, which is the last expression in the response.


Do you have any ideas how to fix it?


ps.I've heard that F5 has some limitation with checking payload (it checks only 4KB including scripts that are referenced in html).




