Forum Discussion

Robert_77728's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 25, 2012

Problem with HTTP_RESPONSE for a certain host or pool


I'm trying to filter the HTTP_RESPONSE to only work with a certain host or pool. I'm getting an error saying "[HTTP::host] cannot be used with HTTP_RESPONSE". My question is how can I filter this iRule to only work with a certain host or pool? Thank you for your time... I'm a newbie!



version 10.2.2





if {[HTTP::host] contains ""}{


if {[matchclass [HTTP::header Content-Type] equals $::pdf_reports]}{


HTTP::header replace Cache-Control "max-age = 60"








  • Access HTTP::host in the HTTP_REQUEST event and save it to a variable for use in the HTTP_RESPONSE event.



    Search the wiki for samples using HTTP_RESPONSE.
  • I did and HTTP::host is listed but I'm getting the error saying it's not allowed.
  • This one should do the trick: Looks pretty simple.
  • That worked great! Thanks "What Lies Beneath"!!!


    I'm not sure why my search didn't find that!
  • You're welcome. Btw, how did you mark the topic as solved? I need to do that with a few questions of my own.