Forum Discussion

yogipd's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 29, 2023

Print GTM pool and loadbalacing method for all pools in GTM


we are having more than 800 WIP in GTM and I need to print the WIP, and Loadbalacing method for pool members.


GTM WIP: (roundrobin), Pool: Prefered( Global avilability)

I need the out put something like this: Global availability


I tried the following from articles but doesn't seem to be working

show pool all | grep "pool-lb mode\|Pool:"

tmsh list gtm pool all load-balancing-mode


    Hi yogipd 


    I guess you are missing a after pool keyword, use the command like this

    check if small a or capital A after pool keyowrd will work.


    list gtm pool a all load-balancing-mode

    tmsh show gtm wideip a all detail | grep 'WideIp\|Destination'

    The following command will find pools with a return to DNS option and print the name of the pools.

    tmsh -c 'cd /; list gtm pool recursive all-properties one-line' | awk '/return-to-dns/{print $4}'

    My Other GTM master Commands which i use frequently and keep customizing them based on the requirement and then pul them in excel sheet and then use DATA  TAB, and there is one option text to columns

    And use  Delimited radio button and run the Wizard to convert F5 Command output text command output to mulitple colums for easy readability.


    My Other GTM master Commands you can try to get more results of your choice

    bash mode

    netstat -na |grep 4353

    tmsh list /gtm server all

    tmsh list gtm wideip a one-line
    tmsh list gtm wideip aaaa one-line
    tmsh show gtm wideip a detail
    tmsh show gtm wideip a pools
    show gtm wideip a all

    tmsh show gtm listener
    tmsh show gtm listener all-properties

    tmsh show gtm pool a detail
    tmsh show gtm pool a detail field-fmt
    show gtm pool a members detail
    show gtm pool a members fireld-fmt
    show gtm pool a members field-fmt server

    show gtm server all detail
    show gtm server detail virtual-servers
    show gtm server detail virtual-servers field-fmt
    list gtm server addresses virtual-servers

    show gtm server detail
    show gtm server detail all

    list net self all-properties
    list gtm listener all-properties
    list gtm listener vlans

    show sys ip-address all-properties

    tmsh show gtm wideip A all detail | grep 'WideIp\|Destination'

    tmsh show gtm all detail | grep -e -i Gtm::Server -e "Server"

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -e -i -n NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVE

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e Gtm::Pool::A grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e Gtm::Pool::A grep 'Pool\|Destination'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e Gtm::Pool::A | grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e Gtm::Pool::A grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination'

    only one pipe

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e Gtm::Pool::A grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^gtm' grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e 'NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^gtm' grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' | grep -i -e '^NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$' = No results

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^gtm' grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e '\^NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^gtm' grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e '\^NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^gtm' grep -i -e '^NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '^NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER$'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -i -e '\NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -e -i Gtm::Server -e "Server" grep -i -e '\NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -e -i Gtm::Server -e "Server"

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -e -i Gtm::Server -e "Server" grep -i -e '$NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e 'wideip\|Destination' grep -i -e 'Pool\|Destination' grep -e -i Gtm::Server -e "Server" grep -i -e '$*NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER' -C 2

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '$*NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER' -C 1

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '$*15*' -C 1

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '$*gtm*' -C 3 grep -i -e '$*NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER'

    show gtm wideip a all detail | grep -i -e '$*gtm*' grep -e -i NAME_OF_YOUR_GTM_SERVER


    gtm pool a (



    F5 Design Engineer

