Forum Discussion

  • I think it's probably easiest to do it in a variable assignment (this is just one way):

    session.logon.last.username = expr { "[mcget {session.logon.last.domain}]\\[mcget {session.logon.last.username}]" }
  • Thanks Kevin. I'm fairly new to F5 but I was able to use the information you provided to get OWA single sign on working. Only change I had to make for it to work in my environment was using this Your help was greatly appreciated.


  • Hi Alvin, The same issue i am facing to my APM OWA SSO access, can you please help me here. OWA asking domain/username for login.




  • Hi All, I've done the domain prefix option through iRule, but please can you help how to do without iRule. How can i add domain name with user i.e. domain\user for OWA SSO.


    Thanks Jay


    • Jay_Shankar_Si1's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      irule is the answer. when ACCESS_POLICY_AGENT_EVENT { if {[ACCESS::policy agent_id] == "ADDDOMAIN" } { log local0. "In the Add Domain iRule..." ACCESS::session data set session.logon.last.dusername domainname\\[ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.last.username"] } }
  • Hi All, I've done the domain prefix option through iRule, but please can you help how to do without iRule. How can i add domain name with user i.e. domain\user for OWA SSO.


    Thanks Jay


    • Jay_Shankar_Sin's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
      irule is the answer. when ACCESS_POLICY_AGENT_EVENT { if {[ACCESS::policy agent_id] == "ADDDOMAIN" } { log local0. "In the Add Domain iRule..." ACCESS::session data set session.logon.last.dusername domainname\\[ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.last.username"] } }