Forum Discussion
Powershell New-F5Session and close session issues.
Hi LanceLyons, this issue on Joel's github repo for this might provide some insight to the issue you're facing.
- LanceLyonsAug 02, 2022
Hi JRahm, Thanks. I did also post over there. Headed over there to see if there was any response.
I posted in this area not sure if that was the right one but it seemed to have the most activity.
- JRahmAug 02, 2022
Did you try the passthru switch Joel mentioned in the issue I shared? Seems to be the same scenario you mentioned, but posh is not my jam so I'm just throwing ideas out.
- LanceLyonsAug 02, 2022
Yeah, I am able to get it to work for 1 session but I am not sure how to do 2 sessions since we have 2 F5s that we have to change iRules on. It seems like the New-F5Session is part of the scripts attributes and so the calls to Add-iRuleToVirtualServer assumes the "current F5 session" that is open so passthru might be the default. Joel may know of an alternative so I will have to wait and see.
I can always create another script that handles iRules for the other F5 but it involves a little more work and 2 separate scripts and commands to be created and executed.
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