Forum Discussion
powershell module f5-ltm new-f5session function how do I login to F5
Good afternoon; Relatively new to power shell, I'm trying log to one of our F5 devices using the new-F5session function in the F5-ltm module downloaded from the powershell gallery. Have successfully created a $mycreds variable which contains my user name and password used to login into the F5console, according to help command for New-F5Session I need to generate an F5 session object to be used in querying and modifying the F5 LTM.
Has anyone used the F5-ltm powershell module to logon to an F5 and disabled and re-enabled individual nodes located/associated in specific partitions.
Thank you in advance for any and all inputs
- nlongFOG_264986Nimbostratus
Good afternoon, Subsequent to posting my question found the following:
Comment made 1 month ago by Joel Newton 248
Joel Newton
We are using v11.5.4 on the LTM, hence after copying the commands contributed by Joel Newton, got the same JSON error. We plan to move to v12.1.x in the future. Is there anyway to get around the json message?
Thank you for your assistance
- The-messengerCirrostratus
Thought I would finally try this out, I have an irule to add to all VIPs using HTTPs. Seemed that would be easy and quick. I loaded the module, all went well and pretty slick. I needed to use -passthrough with the session to be able to run:
Get-VirtualServer | Where-Object {($_.Destination -like "*443*")} | Select-Object Name
with passthrough in my new-f5session command I was good.
Then a few minutes later I got this error and do not know how to get around it.
Invoke-F5RestMethod : "401 F5 Authorization Required: X-F5-Auth-Token does not exist.
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