Forum Discussion
Pool selection with uri rewrite for Ellucian Banner
I am fairly new to the f5 and LBs in general. We have several back end servers that are currently serving multiple websites on different TCP ports. We are looking to load balance these servers with our F5 (11.2.1), ideally under a single virtual server running on 443. I currently have each application/port setup as separate pools. Can someone share with me an example irule that would help me with the following situation? => => => =>
and => => => =>
It seems pretty straight forward to write an irule to select the correct pool based on the uri. However, I am having problems figuring out the best way to deal with the one uri that needs to be rewritten (/SSB => /test).
Perhaps I am going about this the wrong way, but any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much!
Andrew Watson
Sorry forgot the sample datagroup;
ltm data-group internal dg_path_list { records { "/forms" { data "pool pl_foo.com_8888" } "/reports" { data "pool pl_foo.com_9002" } "/SSB" { data "rewrite /test" } } type string }
- IheartF5_45022Nacreous
Add a datagroup;-
and an iRule (untested but you should get the idea);
when HTTP_REQUEST { Match request path against datagroup and extract both key and value set ele [class match -element [string tolower [HTTP::path]] starts_with $dg_path_list] Switch on element value switch -glob [lindex $ele 1] { "pool *" { if {[catch {pool [getfield [lindex $ele 1] " " 2]}]} { Error in datagroup - pool does not exist HTTP::respond 500 noserver } return } "rewrite *" { Check rewrite path valid if {[getfield [lindex $ele 1] " " 2] starts_with "/"} { Substitute match path (key) with rewrite value from element value HTTP::uri "[getfield [lindex $ele 1] " " 2][substr [HTTP::uri] [string length [lindex $ele 0]]]" } else { Error in datagroup - path not valid HTTP::respond 500 noserver } } default { Do nothing } } }
- IheartF5_45022Nacreous
Sorry forgot the sample datagroup;
ltm data-group internal dg_path_list { records { "/forms" { data "pool pl_foo.com_8888" } "/reports" { data "pool pl_foo.com_9002" } "/SSB" { data "rewrite /test" } } type string }
- Kevin_StewartEmployee
Start with something like this:
when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob -- [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { "/forms/*" { pool pool_8888 } "/reports*" { pool pool_9002 } "/ssb/*" { pool pool_9010 HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {"/ssb/" "/test/"} [HTTP::uri]] } "/banneroh*" { pool pool_9003 } } }
where each of the pools above (ex. pool_9003) would contain and load balance both servers (BE1 and BE2). The [string map ] function for the "/ssb/*" URI simply replaces /ssb/ in the URI with /test/. This is a transparent rewrite, so the client won't see it.
- IheartF5_45022Nacreous
Kevins (iRule) is prettier than mine, and his "string map" is way more elegant than my mash-up!!
Datagroups work for us because of the operational processes in my company. An iRule update has to be executed 1-6am, while a datagroup update can be executed during business hours.
- Andrew_Watson_1Nimbostratus
Thanks for the quick replies. These are great examples and very helpful. I will test them out in the morning and let you know how it goes.
- Andrew_Watson_1Nimbostratus
Thanks all! These examples worked well for our environment!!
- Marc_119334Nimbostratus
Just a question to Andrew. I'm trying to put Ellucian Internet Native Banner behind the F5 with out much success. Do happen to have some pointer as to how you have done this?
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