Forum Discussion

sgnormo's avatar
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Oct 11, 2022

Pool Members with multiple ports

got a customer who wants to have the Pool members on multiple ports. Client --->Virtual server:https --->Pool members on ports 30000-32676.  Listing the * or 0 for ports on the pool members will not...
  • Mohamed_Salah_'s avatar
    Oct 12, 2022

    Hello Sgnormo,

    There is a "port translation option" in the virtual server configuration if you expand the advanced settings, but you must select and assign a specific port in the pool member, because if you configured the pool member to (*) any port, the request will be sent to the pool member with the virtual server port.

    I think it depends on the virtual server port, if the pool member is listeneing on all port, that's mean the pool member will receive the connection based on the virtual server port, which is in your case will always be 443.

    If the virtual server can receive connections on ports other than 443, you can use port list for the virtual server(for the ports you are having) and then the virtual server will forward the requests to the pool member as is on this port list and the pool member can be configrued to listen on all prots (*).

    But if the virtual server must receive connection on only port 443 (which i think is the case), I don't think there something you can do because there is no object called "port list" for the pool members.