Forum Discussion

Ken_B_50116's avatar
Icon for Cirrostratus rankCirrostratus
Nov 25, 2015

Pool member not found error for a node that doesn't exist in the config

I am running LTM 11.4.1 HF7. I am getting this in the LTM log 4 to 6 times a minute: Nov 25 09:22:02 F5-LTM-TMC-01 err mcpd[7840]: 01020036:3: The requested pool member (/WebTeam/pool_webextorg /...
  • Ken_B_50116's avatar
    May 18, 2016

    This was finally resolved after 4 months with F5 tech support. Ultimately F5 had to reproduce the issue on a test system. F5 was able to tell me the name of the user account associated with the error being logged. I contacted that person. They were running a .net app using iControl that was monitoring pools statuses. The config in the app had some bad data and was triggering the error messages.