Forum Discussion

netsecurity_666's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 30, 2017

Persistence records across traffic groups

Hello All,


I'm trying to setup an irule that persist on an UIE key across different Virtual Servers. In other words I would like to have traffic on one VS to persist on the basis of persist records created by another VS.


It seemed a perfect fit for "Match Across Virtuals".


Everything seems to work fine as long as the two VS belongs to the same traffic group, but if I move one of them to a different traffic-group in order to achieve active-active behaviour, it stops working.


Now I'm wondering if this was supposed to work in the first place or is to be considered as a bug.






  • If you are using 11.4 and later code version, see this.


    I think it is by design as most people use "traffic-group" on F5 similar to VRFs.