Forum Discussion

kevin_gu_176876's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 23, 2016

persistence profile not syncing

We have LTM with 11.4.1 code. I noticed that when we update the persistence profile, say update the time out value, the F5 will still say it is in sync instead of the change pending. Is this normal e...
  • Alan_Renicor_10's avatar
    Mar 23, 2016

    The issue is likely to be as a result of the following article.



    Under the version of code your running if you've amended the base profiles that are installed off the box then the changes don't get replicated. Had the same issue previously but wasn't noticed till we failed over.


    Its usually best practice to create your own profiles but use the base ones as a template and just amend yours were required.