Forum Discussion

Jace_45978's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 19, 2012

persistence based on uri call

would like to add persistence profile if client makes call with /admin in the uri to the VS otherwise there is no persistence on the VIP.


I plan on adding a universal persistence to the VS with this following iRule can someone let me know if i am on track?



client makes call to https:///dispatch/admin/StartAdmin.html



virtual fp230 {


snat automap


pool ds-8080




ip protocol tcp


profiles {


fp230-stg_sslprofile {






http {}


tcp {}







profile persist f3p_35min_persist {


defaults from source_addr


mode source addr


timeout 2100





thinking the irule would look like this??





if { [URI::path] contains "/admin" } {


persist f3p_35min_persist }



6 Replies

  • Hi Jace,

    this looks good so far, the irule should look like this:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
            if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/admin" } {
                   persist source_addr 2100    

    If the clients accessing this application are not behind any form of nat, it can be a good solution.

    However, it is always better to persist higher up the stack, just in case.

    Is there any cookie you could hook up on ? If not, are you allowed to set a cookie ?


  • we are unable to persist based off cookie. This is one of those VS that the only persistence they want is when they go to the admin console.


    I noticed that my previous post http string didn't post correctly.


    The call the client makes is all other non admin console calls would be


    That is why i was thinking of putting the "contains" in the irule.


    No natting. thanks for the input.



  • Hi Jace,

    makes sense. Based on your input, the irule should look like

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
            if { [HTTP::uri] equals "/dispatch/admin/StartAdmin.html" } {
                   persist source_addr 2100    

    Means only when starting the admin console at that specific path, a persistence record is created.


  • Great thanks Christian. I we will be implementing this rule tomorrow I will let you know if there are any issues. I appreciate your input!
  • I think the persist command might stay in effect for the rest of the connection. So you might want to disable persistence for non-matching URIs:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
       if { [HTTP::uri] equals "/dispatch/admin/StartAdmin.html" } {
          persist source_addr 2100    
       } else {
          persist none

  • I actually have a follow-up

    I have following irule:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {

    if { ([HTTP::uri] contains  "Communication") or ([HTTP::uri] contains  "Builder") }{
               persist cookie
               pool XYZ
     elseif { ([HTTP::uri] contains  "PDFTemp") or ([HTTP::uri] contains  "DOCTemp") or ([HTTP::uri] contains  "Servicenew") or ([HTTP::uri] contains  "ServiceCorrespondence")}{ 
                 log local0. "Client IP = [IP::client_addr]"  
                 persist none
                 pool ABC


    But I am not still seeing Persistence on second pool ABC and I had to put the Persistence method cookie on Virtual servers Resources, Default Persistence Profile Section.

    If I don't put that on the Virtual server, it gives an error that irule is using Persistence method so VS needs to have "cookie" in VS > Resources > Default Persistence Profile Section : "Cookie"