Forum Discussion
4 Replies
- OzzyAltostratus
hello Nikoolayy1, thanks for answer.. I found the issu. it is related with dc switch core configuration issue. wrong alarm!
So it is the directly connected switch to the F5 appliance ? Still in the future using the appliance tcpdump may show any LACP or interface issues:
Initial Setup of the rSeries Network Layer (
- zamroni777Nacreous
is there any vlan that contains more than 1 interface?
and if havent, use the gui to configure the f5 netowrk etc. to see more relevant config and avoid typos.
You can run tcpdump on the rSeries and on the tenant to see where is the issue at the appliance or tenant level as on the appliance you will check the appliance log and on the tenant you will check the ltm and tmm logs. Maybe moving the tenant to configured state then to deployed may help as well.
Overview of the tcpdump utility on rSeries systems (
For r4800 maybe will not possible to run tcpdump on the appliance level as r4000/2000 use SR-IOV not FPGA to directly attach the interfaces to the tenant vm.
[F5OS-A] running tcpdump in bash shell on rSeries r2000/4000