Forum Discussion
Dec 19, 2011Node UP and Node Down messages do not get written
I have 2 x 3400 BigIP LTM's running 9.4.7 - I have combed the threads here for someone with a similar issue - I've seen how to fix smtp and email alerts but no one seems to have the same issue where t...
Dec 23, 2011Unfortunately I do not have active support. The intention is to replace these with the F5 virtual offering sometime in the near future but for now we are just ensuring the F5 solution fits our customer requirements.
I'll let this sit until the new year then we'll try doing some of the same configurations on the backup system, if it works we'll plan a failover and reboot the primary.
I'll post those results.
I'm confident now this is not a simple configuration issue I've overlooked thanks to your inquiry's. So a reboot does seem to be the logical next step.
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