Forum Discussion

jkwwt_323184's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 02, 2017

Netscaler to F5 LTM - Gateway Session Profile

Hi All, Any details/docs on re-creating NetScaler's Gateway Session Profile settings to F5?


Basically: Netscaler Gateway -->Virtual Servers --> Virtual Server --> Policies --> Configure NetScaler Gateway Session Profile --> Options such as Home Page URL; Session Time-out;


I'm trying to configure a redirect on the F5 that seems to be handled by this policy on Netscaler. Basically, when user hits, LTM redirects them on the back-end server with . For example.


Right now my redirects using iRule are either that are send to user BUT user can't resolve this. OR when doing the full redirect, F5 doesn't know what to do with it where to send it on the internal side.


PS: no pools or nodes here. Just VIPs.


Thanks for feedback.


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