Forum Discussion

John_Klemm_4418's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 18, 2006

Need Help!!!

I know nothing about host headers or how to create an irule to forward traffic from the bigip to a server that hosts 7 different websites. Can someone please help me. I need the barney version of this. I am completely lost with these big-ip's

2 Replies

  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Since your earlier post indicates that you are hosting all 7 sites on the same virtual IP, and both servers are configured to answer for all 7 sites, you most likely don't need an iRule.



    You can most likely simply create a single virtual server on the BIG-IP, and a single pool containing the 2 servers.



    Assign the pool as a resource to the virtual server



    If all connections from one client have to go to the same server, you will need to configure a persistence profile and apply it also as a resource to the virtual server.



    Some monitors would probably also be in order to make sure the servers are healthy and ready to accept traffic. At the very least the default HTTP monitor should be applied. You have a number of other monitoring options, such as creating and applying a specific monitor for each website, requiring they all pass before the server can accept traffic.



    Look for "pool", "persistence" and "monitors" in the LTM manual which may be found on (Click here)








  • In response I must add that these seven websites are going to be on 2 servers which are supposed to load balance between eachother, making them, in the words of our server admin one server. These servers have two different IP addresses???? I am not quite sure on how they plan on doing that. I have set two health monitors for the pool already. So you are saying I shouldn't need any irules for any of these web sites that must transverse the f5 then route to the server itself? I am a cisco guy and this f5 stuff was thrown at me. I have managed to get these things running for one sharepoint service but this new request seems a bit involved. All help is appreciated.