Forum Discussion
Jan 24, 2020Nimbostratus
Need help - Configure forwarding proxy chain
Hi team, Initially I have configured forward proxy without any issue: Client (Intranet) -> F5 (explicit-http) -> INTERNET Now, we want to put proxy pool between F5 and INTERNET li...
Jan 26, 2020Nimbostratus
thanks, you are saving my day.
For others who has same difficulties, here are the key moving part to create load balance forward proxy chain.
- Create Pool of forward proxy, that will actually connect to internet.
- Create DNS Resolver
- Create tcp-forward tunnel
- Create http-explicit service profile (bind DNS resolver, tcp-forward tunnel, disable one connect transformation, enable default connect handling)
- Create iRule that will disable HTTP::proxy , and direct to Pool of forward proxy.
Apparently my initial configuration was missing step-4 (disable one connect transformation) and step-5 irule.
Hence the principle to achieve forward proxy chain are:
- Create http-explicit VS for the proxy endpoint
- Using iRule to internally change the processing into Reverse proxy.
Jul 17, 2023Nimbostratus
Thanks for this straight forward contribution to this issue. It solved my problem 100%. Great job! This should be voted BEST!
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