Forum Discussion
My iRule Impressions & Optimiziation-Request-"Contest" (IP to STOREID)
first of all I have to say two 4 words: I love our BIGIPs! :-)
But when it comes to "iRule-Scripting", I see some disadvantages not regarding tcl itself, but the implementation of tcl in LTM which brings some limitations with it. (documented here: ). For Example, this disallows "iRulers" like me from using user defined procedures (using the proc command). This is the biggest disadvantage compared to "native" tcl scripting, because you have to write down the same function every time you need it in your script. I know there are already discussions (for example at ) and also Customer Requests (CR96170) asking F5 to allow the proc command! I've also contacted our F5 representive refering to this request. Not documented - but also unusable/non-functional - are some math commands like "pow"! ^^
Said that, let me talk about my real matter of concern, and why I opened this thread.
I'm working at a retail company in Germany, which got 1400 stores/branchoffices connected to our headquarter. These stores are using webapplications (let's call it the store-intranet) hosted at our headquarter. All this stores, got a unique IP address, which can be calculated on a static algorithm. In the past, the webapplication server knew this algorithm to identfiy the store id by the client ip address or X-Forwarded-For Header including the client ip address. That means that all applications (some written by our own developers, some written by 3rd parties) always had to know the algorithm to calculate the store id based on the ip to enforce permissions/views for the specific store requesting a page/element!
Now, having our lovely BIGIPs, we moved this "ip2storeid"-functionality into the loadbalancer (using iRules!), so modifications on this algorithm only have to be done on one central place. This saves a lot of time and prevent implementation errors on the application(server)side. Simply said, the loadbalancer takes the ip, calculates the storeid based on the given algorithm and inserts a X-Store-Id in to the request header before sending it to the application servers. Works like a charme!
BUT! (there's always a but :-))... After evualating the iRule perfomance, it shows up that this algorithm takes "a few" more cpu cycles! This part of the iRule takes an 450000cycles/request average!!
So I'd like to ask all you "iRulers" out there to take a little challenge on my script, to save cpu cycles ! (but obtain all functionality and errorhandling as already implemented!)... Because of.. ME == networkenginer-by-heart && ME != programmer-by-heart I guess there is a lot of potential, to save cpu cycles in this part of my I rule.
'Nuff said, here's the part of my iRule I've talked (too much!?) about:
set ip [IP::client_addr]
Setting the ip for testing purposes because dev workstation does not belong to store-network ;-)
set ip
if {[scan $ip "%d.%d.%d.%d" a b c d] == 4} {
foreach i "$a $b $c $d" {
if {($i > 255) || ($i < 0)} {
return ""
set iplong [expr {$a} << 24 | {$b} << 16 | {$c} << 8 | {$d}]
if {$iplong < 0} {
set iplong [expr 4294967296 + {$iplong}]
set net_start
if {[scan $net_start "%d.%d.%d.%d" a b c d] == 4} {
foreach i "$a $b $c $d" {
if {($i > 255) || ($i < 0)} {
return ""
set net_startlong [expr {$a} << 24 | {$b} << 16 | {$c} << 8 | {$d}]
if {$net_startlong < 0} {
set net_startlong [expr 4294967296 + {$net_startlong}]
log local0. "net_startlong1 is $net_startlong"
set net_size 262144
set net_segment_size 32
if { $iplong >= $net_startlong && $iplong < ( $net_startlong + $net_size ) } then {
log local0. "netversion 1 found."
set VKSTID [expr ( {$iplong} - {$net_startlong} ) / {$net_segment_size} ]
if {[HTTP::header exists X-Store-id]} {
HTTP::header replace X-Store-Id $VKSTID
} else {
HTTP::header insert X-Store-Id $VKSTID
set net_start
if {[scan $net_start "%d.%d.%d.%d" a b c d] == 4} {
foreach i "$a $b $c $d" {
if {($i > 255) || ($i < 0)} {
return ""
set net_startlong [expr {$a} << 24 | {$b} << 16 | {$c} << 8 | {$d}]
if {$net_startlong < 0} {
set net_startlong [expr 4294967296 + {$net_startlong}]
log local0. "net_startlong2 is $net_startlong"
set net_size 4194304
set net_segment_size 512
if { $iplong >= $net_startlong && $iplong < ( $net_startlong + $net_size ) } then {
log local0. "netversion 2 found."
set VKSTID [expr ( {$iplong} - {$net_startlong} ) / {$net_segment_size} ]
if {[HTTP::header exists X-Store-id]} {
HTTP::header replace X-Store-Id $VKSTID
} else {
HTTP::header insert X-Store-Id $VKSTID
The intention for you to help me on this is easy! Save cpu cycles = save power consumption = save planet earth! Long live the green IT! :-)
- Nat_Thirasuttakorn
Hi saschareuter, - sre_81614
Hey Nat, - Nat_Thirasuttakorn
Hi Sascha, - sre_81614
Hey Nat,timing on when RULE_INIT { } when HTTP_REQUEST { Set default publication and pool set publication vkstintranet pool vkstintranet Set publications Syntax: publicpath internalpath pool set publications { publicpath1internalpath1appsrv1-8020 publicpath2internalpath2appsrv2-8020 publicpath3internalpath3appsrv3-8020 publicpath4internalpath4appsrv4-8020 publicpath5internalpath5appsrv5-8020 publicpath6internalpath6appsrv6-8020 publicpath7internalpath7appsrv7-8020 publicpath8internalpath8appsrv8-8020 publicpath9internalpath9appsrv9-8020 publicpath10internalpath10appsrv10-8020 publicpath11internalpath11appsrv11-8020 publicpath12internalpath12appsrv12-8020 } Always set X-Forwarded-For for transparency... if {[HTTP::header exists X-Forwarded-For]} { HTTP::header replace X-Forwarded-For [IP::client_addr] } else { HTTP::header insert X-Forwarded-For [IP::client_addr] } Set X-Store-Id set STOREID Non-Store set ip [IP::client_addr] Setting the ip for testing purposes because dev workstation does not belong to store-network 😉 set ip set net_start set net_maskbit 14 set net_mask set net_segment_bit 5 if { [IP::addr $ip/$net_maskbit equals $net_start] }{ scan [IP::addr $ip mask $net_mask] "%d.%d.%d.%d" a b c d set STOREID [expr ( {$a} << 24 | {$b} << 16 | {$c} << 8 | {$d} ) >> {$net_segment_bit} ] if {[HTTP::header exists X-Store-id]} { HTTP::header replace X-Store-Id $STOREID } else { HTTP::header insert X-Store-Id $STOREID } } set net_start set net_maskbit 10 set net_mask set net_segment_bit 9 if { [IP::addr $ip/$net_maskbit equals $net_start] }{ scan [IP::addr $ip mask $net_mask] "%d.%d.%d.%d" a b c d set STOREID [expr ( {$a} << 24 | {$b} << 16 | {$c} << 8 | {$d} ) >> {$net_segment_bit} ] if {[HTTP::header exists X-Store-id]} { HTTP::header replace X-Store-Id $STOREID } else { HTTP::header insert X-Store-Id $STOREID } } We're going to balance (otherwisethe request will be balanced to the default pool of the virtual server)... set requesteduri [HTTP::uri] foreach { publicpath publicpath srvpool } $publications { if { ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/$publicpath\/") or ([HTTP::uri] equals "/$publicpath") } { set internalUri [regsub -nocase "/$publicpath/*" [HTTP::uri] ""] HTTP::uri "/$publicpath/$internalUri" set publication $publicpath pool $srvpool } } } when HTTP_REQUEST_SEND { log local0. "Source-IP: [IP::client_addr], Source-Port: [client_port], URI: $requesteduri, Publication: $publication, VKST: $STOREID, SelectedPoolAndNode: [LB::server]" } when LB_FAILED { HTTP::respond 200 content { Apology Page We are sorry, but the site you are looking for is temporarily out of service If you feel you have reached this page in error, please try again. } log local0. "Balancing failed. Publication: $publication" }
- JRahm
A couple things come to mind. Move the math into CLIENT_ACCEPTED since that occurs only once during the session, the scan & expression alone took 130000 cycles in a quick test I just ran. Also, unless you are eventually going to derive the net values dynamically, just use them directly and avoid setting the variables (net_start, net_mask, net_segment_mask). Make your next net_start if an elseif so it is not checked if the first is evaluated. - Nat_Thirasuttakorn
Hi Sascha, - Nat_Thirasuttakorn
and if you want something that easily to scale ... try this...
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