Forum Discussion

ehergott_345008's avatar
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Oct 16, 2018

Multple VPE LDAP SearchDN entries

I have an LDAP query set up in VPE. I is working using the SearchDN I inserted. However I would like to add a second Search DN into this field. Is this possible? Basically I just want to search a second OU without having to open it up to a larger AD tree. My hope would be to have some thing like this:






Just not sure if having multiple will work, and if this format will work or if I need to use an operator of some sort.


  • Hi,


    The searchDN must be the lowest common RDN, in your case "DC=domain, DC=domain". It's not possible to give two differents searchDN for the same LDAP query.


    It is possible however to filter on the OU by using the SearchFilter field, with this syntax:

