Forum Discussion

Senthil_Kumar_N's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 03, 2012

Multiple request sent after each 300 seconds

We have a architecture like, cluster enabled weblogic server with F5 load balancer i.e


F5 between our application server and the database server. And we have this setup for more than a year.


Last month onwards, we are facing issue like, when a request is made from application, it send the request to database through F5 and the database takes more time to execute. In the mean time, after 300 seconds, the F5 sending the request again to the database. Like this, its happening on every 300 seconds, and sending request. Since multiple calls made, the database is ended up with duplicate data insertion. Not sure, why all sudden, its happening suddenly. Its been working fine for all these days.


When we call the url has server name and port, i.e bypassing F5, its works fine. Issue is happening only when the request is made via F5.