Forum Discussion

PPawar_309940's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 26, 2017

Multiple FQDNs resolving to single pool ip addrerss

Hello Guys,


Could anyone tell me a better way of configuring multiple wide ips resolving to a single ip address in a dns pool.


I have got a requirement where 20 odd fqdns should resolve to a single dns pool ip. I can create 20 wide ips that is no problem but I am thinking if there is any better way of doing this. Like in old cisco GSS days we had an option to configure "doamin list" which could have multiple fqdns resolving to single virtual ip.


Any suggestions ? could it be done using iRULE ? if yes then please can someone post the answer.


Thanks, Pankaj


  • Create the Wide IP. Select it from the list. Change the General Properties to "Advanced". Enter all of the alias FQDNs in the Alias line one at a time and click "Add". Much easier that way.


2 Replies

  • You could create a single WideIP, and add the other 20 as "alias names" in the Alias list.


  • Create the Wide IP. Select it from the list. Change the General Properties to "Advanced". Enter all of the alias FQDNs in the Alias line one at a time and click "Add". Much easier that way.