Forum Discussion

Hannes_Rapp's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 16, 2017

Moving FIPS keys from 8900 to 10200



According to DOC, it seems likely FIPS-2 keys sync is not possible between 8900 and 10200 due to FIPS hardware difference (no exact platform mention, but it's close enough):


Important: Because of hardware differences, it is not possible to synchronize security domains between the newer platforms(10000/11000/11050 platforms) and older platforms (6900/8900platforms).


  • Q: Assuming identical software version and security world configuration - is there an alternate way to move FIPS keys from 8900 to 10200?



1 Reply

  • My understanding is that the limitation is if you want to have the 2 devices in a HA pair, and having them sync automatically the fips keys.


    If you just want to migrate the keys to a new hardware:


    1 - Initialize the FIPS card in the new device, with same SO and Domain as the old.


    2 - Export the keys in the old device


    3 - Import the keys in the new device


    You will need to know the SO in the old device.


    Let me know if you need the commands, as I have some notes I use every time I need to do some stuff with FIPS (and generally, never works in the first time).