Forum Discussion

jpi_373595's avatar
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Oct 03, 2018

Modify Azure Active Directory application credentials after ARM template deployment

Hello to you all,


I deployed an F5 BIG-IP VE Active/Standby Cluster from Github repository:


I have trouble with my HA configuration and I think it come from the Azure Active Directory application (that does not call the Azure API properly to reassign all VS IP from old to new Active node). Please find a comment bellow from Peter Silva on DevCentral:


"The next 3 fields (Tenant ID, Client ID, Service Principal Secret) have to do with security. Rather than using your own credentials to modify resources in Azure, you can create an Active Directory application and assign permissions to it."


I was wondering if there is a way to change the required "Tenant ID, Client ID, Service Principal Secret" fields after ARM template deployment. From WebUI management or either TMOS shell instance. I found nothing about it online.


Thank you in advance for your help, Jordan


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