Forum Discussion

mr_evil_116524's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jan 06, 2016

Microsoft PowerShell with iControl unable to execute after disabling SSL v3er ssl3 disable

Recently we have disable SSL V3 and ever since we are unable to run our MS powerhell iControl script against F5.


Any suggestion will be highly appreciated as we have multiple node we would like to force them go offline without manually going into individual pool and selecting the pool member.


We are running version 11.5.5 build 1.0.169. Is there any workaround without enabling SSl V3?




  • The PowerShell cmdlets are just using the underlying iControl.Net library which in turn uses the core .Net HTTP methods. I'll have to investigate and attempt to reproduce but odds are it's a negotiation problem where we may have to put a switch in to downgrade the SSL version. The source for the .Net assembly and the PowerShell snaipin are both available if you care to debug sooner.